LoC sorting stuff

About this page: The purpose is to test the accuracy of the parsing and comparing algorithms. When you type two valid LoC call numbers into the boxes and click "Compare," the page will display the result: greater than, equal, or less than. For simplicity, there is no error checking. Please enter valid LoC call numbers. In particular, the call letters must be in upper case. Other letters, such as volume numbers, may be in lower case. LB1571 1st.W53 2014 is correct. lb1571 1st.W53 2014 is incorrect. The algorithm tries to be flexible with whitespace, as in G850 1914.S53 W67 2001 versus G850 1914 .S53W67 2001, and you are invited to test this. However some spaces are necessary for meaning, as in G850 1914.S53 W67 2001 versus G850 1914.S53 W672001; results here should be taken in context.
My definition of a valid LoC call number comes from OCLC.